Tamiya Fairey Swordfish Mk.II #61099  [61099]

Tamiya 61099 - Fairey Swordfish Mk.II
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Tamiya made 1/48 Fairey Swordfish Mk.II (61099) Propeller Aircrafts Military Series assembly kit

Towards Swordfish Mk.II

Affectionately referred to as 'Stringbag' by those that travelled them, the Fairey Swordfish torpedo bomber was already outdated whenever WWII broke down, however supplied valuable solution and obtained such notable missions because the assault on the Italian Navy at Taranto and damaging the German battleship Bismarck. As more recent, faster aircraft were developed to change it, the Swordfish was modified to be an anti-submarine aircraft. The Mk.II featured steel lower wings that allowed it to be armed with ten rockets or depth fees, which, and its sturdy design and long stamina, managed to get a great anti-submarine aircraft to be used on merchant aircraft carriers into the Atlantic convoys.

About the Model

  • Detailed installation kit type of the Fairey Swordfish Mk.II.
  • Features specific to the Mk.II, like the metal reduced wing and large oil cooler are accurately reproduced.
  • Formidable rocket armament, exhaust damper, and included intrusion stripe markings further differentiate this kit from the earlier Mk.I.
  • Utilize with ITEM# 61069 Fairey Swordfish Photo-Etched Bracing Wire Set for much more practical rigging information.
  • 3 numbers and 3 forms of markings included.

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